

We all have things that seem alien to us till we actually have to deal with them. For me, this was child cancer. Like we often say, I did not know anyone who knew anyone who knew anyone who had child cancer
Everything changed in 2020 when at one year my daughter was diagnosed with Cancer in the abdomen (neuroblastoma). 

It was a shock and unbelievable to me, family and friends. We started treatment at Mulago Hospital in July 2020. The adjustment to this was so hard. Having to balance with work, my family where I already had another daughter, and my life as a whole.
By God’s grace we went through all treatment (chemotherapy, Surgery, radiotherapy and immunotherapy) successful. Today my daughter is 4years, studying in (middle class) and growing normally 

While at Mulago Hospital, I was shocked and my eyes opened to a new world with many children with cancer in too much pain and agony. This did not leave me saw the same. I realized that many people are going through what I went through and need support. And I decided to get a way to work with Mulago Hospital and all the patients to support children with cancer and their families financially, spiritually and psychosocial, that they may get transport to reach referral hospitals and medicine and other basic needs
Every day is a blessing, Every Child with Cancer deserves a chance 


Hazel & Amara
Child Support Center


PO BOX 16244 Wandegeya,
Kampala Uganda

JM 10, First floor
Queens palace
Gayaza Road - Kampala


Call | SMS | WhatsApp

Mon - Sat: 8AM - 6PM